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What should I expect at my first consultation? ​

What should I expect at my first consultation? ​


You will be required to fill out our online initial consultation form which will be sent in an email once you make your first appointment. A thorough history will be taken, and will be followed by a physical assessment to identify the ‘cause’ of your complaint. A Neurological, Orthopaedic, and Chiropractic specific examination will be conducted, our practitioner will then discuss the approach to treatment with you, and if you are happy, treatment can commence on your initial consult. The chiropractor may refer for x-ray if required. The initial consult can take between 30 – 45 minutes.

If chiropractic care is deemed inappropriate or further examination is required, we will refer you in the right direction to receive the correct care.

What should I expect on the following visits?


What should I expect on the following visits?


On return visits to Balanced for Life, your consult will usually take between 10 – 15 minutes. Our practitioner will discuss your progress with you and re-assess to assure the best care. It’s important to understand that each treatment builds on the last. Depending on your concern, you may be prescribed lifestyle modifications, exercise modifications (if already in a gym program) or new therapeutic exercises to complement our treatment. We can refer you to our professional network of personal training and fitness specialists to assist you achieve your goals and optimal health. 

Do I need a referral to go to a chiropractor? 

Do I need a referral to go to a chiropractor? 


No – chiropractors are licensed primary health care professionals who examine, diagnose and care for patients directly without any referral. 
Will my private health insurance cover chiropractic care? Usually yes – most health plans cover chiropractic to a certain annual maximum. Please contact your insurer if you are unsure. 

How many adjustments will I need? 



How many adjustments will I need? 


The number of adjustments varies with each patient and their individual health goals. Many patients sense progress within two to three weeks of frequent visits. Visits become less frequent as your spine stabilises. 

How long before I feel better? 



How long before I feel better? 


This varies from person to person, and many factors affect the healing process. How long have you had your problem? Are you keeping your appointments? Are you getting the proper rest, exercise and nutrition? Do you smoke? Most people that follow the chiropractors recommendations get better quicker. 

Is chiropractic care safe? 



Is chiropractic care safe? 


While all forms of care carry some risk, chiropractic care has been shown repeatedly by research to be one of the safest and most effective forms of health care. By avoiding drugs and surgery, chiropractic care enjoys an excellent track record. A recent study found chiropractic adjustments are about 100 times safer than taking an anti-inflammatory drug. 

Can I have chiropractic care after spinal surgery? 



Can I have chiropractic care after spinal surgery? 

Yes – your chiropractor will avoid the surgically modified areas of your spine. Surgery can cause instability above or below the affected level. These areas will be the focus of your chiropractic care.

Can patients with osteoporosis receive chiropractic care? 




Can patients with osteoporosis receive chiropractic care? 

Yes – your chiropractor always considers the special circumstances of each patient and selects methods of care suitable for them. 

How long will I need chiropractic care? 


How long will I need chiropractic care? 


It is always your decision as to how long you choose to benefit from chiropractic care. Most people choose to continue with scheduled “wellness” or preventative care after their initial treatments. This is because they want to maintain all the great progress they have made. These patients show up for their visits feeling great. These visits help to detect and resolve new problems before they become serious. Our job is to offer the very best care and your job is to decide how much of it you want.

What is an adjustment? 



What is an adjustment? 


An adjustment is a specific movement applied to a joint. The nerve endings within the joint surface detect this movement, which activates certain parts of the brain. This in turn affects a neurologic change in the brain so that the joint and structure can change in function. You are basically creating a new movement pattern in the joint, which is controlled, by your brain. 

What causes the noise?

What causes the noise? 

The popping noise that is sometimes associated with certain techniques is due to gas (80% carbon dioxide), rushing into to fill a partial vacuum created when the joint surfaces move slightly. Some techniques will produce no sound at all. 

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